Rabu, 23 Desember 2020


Assalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb
    Kesuksesan ialah suatu hal yang sangat didampakan oleh semua kalangan. Betul tidak? tentunya tidak mudah dalam meraih suatu kesuksesan bukan?. Maka dari itu, pada tulisan saya kali ini saya akan share ke teman - teman kiat kiat menjemput suatu kesuksesan bagi saya. Saya bukanlah seseorang yang sangat sukses namun, saya ingin mengajak teman - teman untuk meraih kesuksesan bersama - sama hehehe. Tujuan saya bukanlah untuk menggurui namun saya ingin berbagi suatu pengalaman yang pernah saya dapatkan.
    Apa saja sih cara untuk menjemput Kesuksesan itu? 
1. Mencari tahu apa sih bakat dan minat pada diri,
        Sering kali diantara kita tidak tahu apa bakat dalam diri. Bagaimana cara mengetahuinya? Bakat ialah suatu hal yang kita sukai, ketika kita menjalaninya maka kita akan merasa enjoy dan nyaman dengan hal itu. Terkadang hobi kita itu merupakan bakat kita loh? Kok bisa kak? Iya bisa dong apasih yang  tidak mungkin di dunia ini hehehehe.. Hobi ialah suatu kesenangan atau hanya sekedar menghibur kita disaat kita suntuk maupun galau benar tidak? karena terlalu seringnya kita beradaptasi dengan hobi maka bakat kita ada disitu loh teman - teman. Nanti akan saya ceritakan pengalaman saya yang sukses karena suatu hobi hehehe...
2. Mengasah bakat yang ada dalam diri 
        Setelah kita mengetahui bakat yang ada dalam diri tentu diperlukan mengasah suatu bakat itu. mengasah bakat tidak melulu di lakukan di bangku sekolah maupun perkuliahan, namun bisa juga lewat HP ataupun bisa kursus di era teknologi seperti ini tentu semakin memudahkan kita untuk mengakses suatu hal yang kita inginkan. Jika jarak bisa menyatukan seseorang untuk slaing sapa. mengapa kita tidak bisa memanfaatkannya untuk menimbah ilmu? semua itu mudah dilakukan teman - teman tinggal akses saja,tinggal ketik apa yang kita mau pasti akan keluar. Iya bukan? yuk belajar bersama - sama untuk memanfaatkan teknologi dengan sebaik - baiknya dan mengunakannya dengan bijak.
3. Berani mengambil suatu tindakan 
        Langkah selanjutnya ialah berani bertindak. ketika bakat kita sudah diasah tentu kita akan mudah untuk mengaplikasikannya bukan? maka dari itu dalam hal ini, bertindak sangat diperlukan karena langkah inilah yang akan mengantarkan kita untuk meraih kesuksesan itu.
4. Berani gagal. 
        Gagal ialah suatu hal yang sangat ditakutkan oleh semua orang. Namun, dengan kegagalan tersebut akan tercipta suatu motivasi atau rasa semangat dalam diri untuk memperbaiki kesalahan dan belajar dari suatu kesalahan untuk meraihnya lagi. Jangan pernah takut untuk gagal, karena gagal ialah suatu hal yang pasti akan terjadi ketika kita ingin meraih kesuksesan. Hal ini sebetulnya sudah kita lakukan sejak balita, Teman - teman ingat tidak? ketika kita jatuh saat masih belajar berjalan dan kita dengan semangat mencoba untuk belajar bangkit lagi. Hal ini sama dengan suatu kesuksesan. yang tak harus berjalan dengan mulus dan lurus pasti ada lika - liku yang menerpa.

    Cukup Ini dulu yah teman - teman yang dapat saya sampaikan nanti akan saya share pengalaman - pengalaman saya yang lainnya. Semoga Bermanfaat dan mohon maaf apabila ada kesalahan penyampaian.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

Kamis, 26 Maret 2020

Procedure Text

How to make traditional klepon food.

250 grams of white sticky rice flour
50 grams of rice flour
150 grams of brown sugar, finely sliced
2 teaspoons of betel lime water solution
Pandan pasta to taste
1 teaspoon of fine salt
Adequate water for klepon dough
200 grams of young grated coconut
1/2 teaspoon fine salt
2 pandan leaves

Instructions /steps

Making Klepon Cake Dough: Mix 250 grams of glutinous rice flour with 50 grams of rice flour, add 1 teaspoon of fine salt, mix thoroughly using a wooden spoon or any equipment to stir

Make a hole in the center of the dough, add a solution of betel lime water and pandan paste to taste

Then add water little by little while continuing to stir until all the ingredients were mixed evenly, and the mixture is smooth

Can knead the dough by hand so it is smooth and thoroughly mixed, until the texture of the Klepon cake can be formed

Set aside first when it is smooth, meanwhile boil water first to boil the Klepon cake

After the water boils, reduce the heat of the stove. Then start forming klepon cake Take the dough a little, round it and flatten it.

Enter the brown sugar filling, close it quickly then immediately enter the klepon cake into the boiling water that had boiled earlier

Do the same with the remaining batter If the klepon cake in the pan has floated, it is a sign that the klepon cake is cooked and can be immediately removed.

After lifting, roll klepon cake into a sprinkling of grated coconut that has been prepared previously Then arrange on a serving plate and klepon cake is ready to eat

Explanation Text
How can klepon food be made?

General statement
Klepon is a traditional food in East Java. It feels so good, very liked by East Java people and guests from outside. Besides famous for its greenness, kleponjuga also has a characteristic that is brown sugar. Which compilation food is eaten or bitten by the brown sugar in this valve will spurt out, and the taste is so delicious

Sequential explanation
250 grams of white sticky rice flour, 50 grams of rice flour, 150 grams of brown sugar, finely sliced, 2 teaspoons of betel lime water solution, Pandan paste to taste, a cup of Pandan to taste, 1 teaspoon of fine salt, Water to taste for klepon mixture. After that, only one raw material has been kneaded. Then boil enough water to boil the klepon. After that, make a hole to fill brown sugar in the valve and boil it in boiling air. After the valve is provided on the surface of the air, then lift the valve and place it in a container that has been filled with grated coconut.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2020


We can use vegetative propagation by cuttings (softwood  and hardwood) and micropropagation, to grow new pomegranate trees which produce fruit identical to the parental tree.

 We can propagate pomegranates using both softwood or hardwood cuttings, but we most commonly use hardwood cuttings commercially. We take softwood cuttings from wood late in the season and they require mist and greenhouse conditions for rooting to occur. In contrast, we take hardwood cuttings from one year old wood or suckers, then trim and place them directly onto the nursery floor, where they grow for one vear prior to being transplanted with bare roots. Planting unrooted cuttings into the orchard floor establishes other pomegranate orchards, but we can also propagate under mist. Air layering parent plants and transplanting suckers are also effective methods of propagation.


Vegetative propagation can be used by cuttings (softwood and hardwood) and micropropagation, which fruit identical is produced to the parental tree to grown new promegranate trees.

Pomegranate can be propagated using both softwood or hardwood cuttings, but hardwoods cuttings is most commonly used commercially by us. Softwood cuttings are taken by us from wood late in the season and mist and greenhouse conditions are required by them for rooting to occur. In contrast, hardwood cuttings are taken by us from one year old, wood or suckers then they are trimmed and placed directly onto the nursery floor. Where they grow for one year prior to being transplanted with bare roots. Planted unrooted cuttings into the orchard floor establishes other promegranate orchards, but we can also propagate under mist. Air lauering parent plants and transplanting suckers are also effective methods or propagation.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2020

Change into pasive voice

1. I had read the novel
2. I could not wait to watch the movie
3. I found out that the cast of dilan 1991
4. I would not Miss this chance to meet my idol, Iqbaal.
5. Mostly teenagers, attended the event.
6. My friends and i took the seats at the front row.
7. We kept enthusiastic to meet our Idols.
8. All of US cheered their names
9. I could meet my idol
10. The cast described the movie briefly
11. I raised my hand and
12. He developer his character as dilan.

Answer :
1. The novel had been read by me
2. The movie could not wait to watched by me
3. The cast of dilan 1991 was found out by me
4. The chance to meet my idol, iqbaal will not be missed by me
5. The event was attended by mostly teenagers. 6.The seats at the front row takwn by my friends and I
7. Kept enthusiastic to meet our idol by us
8. Their names was cheered by us
9. My idol could met by me
10.The movie was described briefly by the cast
11. My hand was raised by me
12. His character as dilan was developed by him


Pagi tlah datang, Burung berkicau. Namun kali ini berbeda. Awan tak lagi cerah. Tak kusangka, ini sebuah pertanda.   Semua berli...